Thursday, February 07, 2008

'See-More' She Said

The early morning mist is slowly lifting. I have a feeling that by this afternoon the sky will be clear and blue, like only it can be, down here in the south of France, and the sun will be shining as if it were spring.
I took a walk out around the village at about 8:30am, and went to buy myself a loaf of rye bread from Madeline. The quality of her bread varies from mediocre to awful. Her cakes are generally not so good, and her biscuits are often worse.
As usual, the village was deserted apart from the inbred woman and her blind husband, who always take a walk together to the patisserie every morning. Judging by the look of his wife, I have a feeling that he was always blind. But there is obviously much love between them, as they walk silently arm in arm together through the narrow, misty, medieval streets of Simorre.
It's like a deserted film set here. All the actors have played out their parts and exited the stage long ago. You can catch the odd glimpse of broken silhouettes behind shuttered and curtained windows, but more often than not, you're more likely to meet a rag-eared cat or a stray wandering dog than a human being.
Occasionally a car will pass you, but they always appear to be driver-less. Impossible, I know, but that's how it seems.

Nobody talks about the crashing stock market here and there are no Iranian missiles overhead. Most conversations revolve around memories and past events.
The future is a stranger here, an unknown outsider, who is rumoured to be coming, but never arrives.

I would love to have seen Simorre in it's heyday. I imagine that the covered market square once bustled and hummed with activity and life, but now it stands empty, and the ancient oak timbers that hold up it's creaking terracotta tiled roof are as worn and as weathered as the decaying timber hull of a shipwreck.
My time here, in this town that stands outside of time, is almost over.
I didn't really 'see-more' here, but I certainly felt more and thought more than I have for a little while.
Soon I'll be gone, off to meet the future, because if I wait here for it to come, I'll be waiting forever...

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