Saturday, July 21, 2007

Seven New Wonders Of The World

1. The Atomic Bomb.
A hell flower, a demonic bloom of poison air and burning isotopes. The fingers of it's deadly hand grasping long after the body of flame has died. Half-life into half-life, turning and twisting the very substance of existence into diabolic mutations.

2. The Concentration Camp.
The bodies heaped high, testament to cruelty and sadism, combined with the full and efficient might of industrialised nations. A conveyor belt of death. The knock kneed, toothless, hankering raw materials charred into grisly relics of moral defeat and hollow victory.

3. The Kennedy Assassination.
Beguiling, mystifying. The most famous snuff movie ever made. The sound of a crashing granite tombstone. The lid sealed tightly on the coffin of American democratic dreams. The iron fist grows bullet teeth and laughs as a nation tunes in to mourn it's own destruction.

4. AIDS.
Eternal love. A flame in the blood and a clock in the brain. A love that grows to devour. The wasting of the heart. Wheelchair nuptials and life support vows.
Corpora lente augescent cito extinguuntur.

5. The Internet.
Billboard Information superhighway. The archive buried beneath Nazis, Pedophilia, Anal Sex and the Illuminati. The lost thread in the labyrinth. Self publicising, self promoting, self inflicting. A haystack of needles.

6. 9/11
What television was made for. A day without adverts. The Birth of a landmark and a new century. History locked with the key to the bottomless pit and an endless war. The flag waving flames and the beat of drums stretched with human skins. A cannibal god dancing in the ashes. A tinderbox for the idiot son of a hyena.

7. The Iraq war
The blood prize hung like an ox heart. Bleeding sand horror show. Oil slick oblivion death ride. Hard hat incendiaries tread the slack children. Desert coliseum slaughter house rules. A media cats cradle woven in a prism within a hall of cracked mirrors.